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                Set production, research and development, sales, services as one of the enterprises.
                Spring instrument has passed the ISO9001:2015 international quality system certification, has obtained the national industrial product production license, national explosion-proof electrical equipment explosion proof certificate....
                Pre-sales Service
                A good customer's staff and assistants, so that every user's investment has been a substantial return.
                1, choose the type of products; 2, according to the special requirements of customers, design and manufacture ...

                ABOUT XINCHUN

                /Creating international brands

                ABOUT XINCHUN

                /Creating international brands

                Xinchun Instrument (Changshu) Co., Ltd., located in Changshu, Jiangsu Province, is a high-tech enterprise and a private science and technology enterprise in Jiangsu Province. The company has strong technical force and huge market development ability, with excellent production equipment and testing instruments. The company mainly produces automatic control ...

                ENGINEERING CASE

                ENGINEERING CASE

                Products are widely used in petroleum, chemical, electric power, metallurgy, natural gas, textile, paper making, medicine, food and other industries.
                Condensing innovation value, chasing the era of science and technology

                INDUSTRY TRENDS

                INDUSTRY TRENDS


                TECHNICAL ARTICLE

                TECHNICAL ARTICLE


                CONTACT US

                CONTACT US

                Dear customer: welcome to visit our website. Thank you for your support.
                If you have any suggestions or questions about our products, sales, customer service, and website,
                please contact us immediately! Your support is the driving force of our development.





                Add:No.42, Bixi Middle Road, Bixi New Area,Changshu City