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                AFTER-SALE SERVICE

                AFTER-SALE SERVICE

                ◆ Pre-sales Service
                Be a good adviser and assistant of customers, making every investment achieve rich return.
                (1) Option of model of product.
                (2) Design and manufacture products according to special requirement of customers.
                (3) Train technicians for customers.
                (4) Offer new, special and hard engineering working technical consult or draw suitable working plan.

                ◆ Medium-sales Service
                Respect customers: give customers an assurance, a piece of relaxation and a surprise; be devoted to increasing customers' integrated value.
                (1) Provide home delivery service in warranty period.
                (2) Pre-inspection for product.
                (3) Introduce service system of XINCHUN to customers.

                ◆ After-sale Service
                Increase customers' whole value and make customers' not have further trouble.
                (1) Assist clients to draw up the first working plan.
                (2) Installation and debugging of product.
                (3) Train operating staff on the spot.
                (4) Test product termly.
                (5) Solve the malfunctions on the spot quickly and actively.
                (6) Home delivery for warranty parts.
                (7)Tracing service of important projects.
                (8) Look for potential dissatisfying users actively and make complaints reclamation.
                (9) Offer value-added service.
                (10) Offer opportunities for technology exchange
                (11) Carry out large-scale maintenance business.