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                XC403Y series air filtering pressure reducing valve

                Products > Air filter pressure reducer > XC403Y series air filtering pressure reducing valve

                XC403Y series air filtering pressure reducing valve

                ·Ultra compact Design
                It's 1/3 to 1/5 lighter than currently available pressure regulator.
                ·Not need fixed bracket
                With a pipe joint can be directly connected to locator.
                ·The filter is to use fiber cloth tube
                Using the fluid resistance small polypropylene fiber cloth tube. compared with sintered its resistance under 1/7 only.
                ·Air interface can be free to choose
                Two gas interfaces, are free to choose, install, high efficiency.
                Contact purchase



                First, Product Overview

                XC403Y air filtration pressure reducer is our factory imported the latest technology in  the 90s, on the basis of development, research, and its performance technology to  achieve similar foreign product standards. Output has small volume, large flow, good  accuracy and stability advantages. Applicable to the electric/gas converter, electric/  gas valve positioner and all kinds of pneumatic instrument air filter pressure-relief devices.


                Second, Technical Data

                Air pressure(MPa)0.25~0.8
                Output pressure range(MPa)
                Output flow (NM3/h)5.86.8
                Strainer aperture (μm)10-2025-40
                Working temperature(℃)-35~70
                Piping with end connectorsφ6NPT-1/4 (or)NPTφ8-1/4

                Ordering instructions: If you have special requirements, when ordering, please indicate.