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                XCN15/16/17 series electrical and gas valve locator

                Products > Valve positioner > XCN15/16/17 series electrical and gas valve locator

                XCN15/16/17 series electrical and gas valve locator

                1, Relay, large capacity, small gas consumption, good stability, high sensitivity;
                2, High precision electromagnetic component;
                3, Adjustment and maintenance can be in the working status directly;
                4, Magnet using high energy storage product of rare earth materials, the current through the elastic element input, need not lead;
                Contact purchase


                First, Product Overview
                XCN15/16/17 series electric - gas valve locator and regulator, the regulator output  signals converted to drive the regulator gas signal, at the same time, according to the  control valve opening position feedback, make the adjustment correctly positioned, it  points, single and double effect in two forms.

                Second, Technical Data

                Input signalStandard 4-20mA DC,Split-ranging 4-12mA DC,12-20mA DC10-50mA DC
                Input impedance250Ω( 4-20mA DC),100Ω(10-50mA DC)
                Gas supply pressureSingle-acting 0.14-0.16MPa:0.17-0.5MPa; Double-acting 0.2-0.4MPa:0.41 -0.7MPa
                Rated strokeStraight travel 10-100mm,Around the corner 0-90°
                Electrical interfaceNPT1/2(M22×1.5)
                Air supply connectionRc1/4
                Environment temperatureExplosion-proof type -20-+60℃; Ordinary type -40-+80℃
                Relative humidity≤90%
                Hysteresis error1%
                Dead band0.4%
                Protection gradeIP65
                Explosion-proof gradeEx iaⅡCT6 Gb; Ex dⅡCT6 Gb

                Third, Model Specification

                XCN-   0     0     0     0 

                ModelAction typeExplosion-proof grade
                (protection) structure
                Feedback (action)
                Choose accessories
                XCN 1 Single-acting 5  Flameproof type
                Ex dⅡCT6 Gb
                 1  Straight travel 1 
                 2 Double-acting
                 6  Intrinsic safety type
                Ex iaⅡCT6 Gb
                 2  Quarter-turn
                (with RC actuator)
                 2 + PTM (built-in valve
                position feedback)
                  7  Ordinary type  

                When ordering please specify:

                1, Type
                2, The input signal
                3, Gas supply pressure
                4, Output signal
                5, With pressure reducer
                7, Explosion-proof grade
                8, If the takeover pneumatic φ8 when specified, please