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                Products > Air filter pressure reducer > YT200 series air filtration pressure reducer

                YT200 series air filtration pressure reducer

                1, Sophisticated technology, structure compact, good appearance.
                2, Filtering, pure, equipped with PE microporous filter, can be used repeatedly.
                3, Aluminum castings for anodic oxidation treatment, surface coating, strong beautiful and corrosion resistance.
                4, Key parts stainless steel material.
                5, Domestic sewage is convenient and effective.
                Contact purchase


                First, Product Overview
                The company produced all kinds of filtering pressure reducing valve is my company to  meet the needs of production site and specially design and manufacture. In a larger  output flow and more accurate stability and advancement. Widely used in automatic  control system, especially suitable for electrical converter, the valve positioner and all  kinds of air source for pneumatic instrumentation, actuators filter, vacuum processing.

                Second, Technical Data

                Project, formYT-200YT-205
                Highest input pressure15kgf/cm2(231psi)15kgf/cm2(231psi)
                Highest output pressure4.2kgf/cm2(57psi)8.4kgf/cm2(120psi)4.2kgf/cm2(57psi)8.4kgf/cm2(120psi)
                Air supply InterfacePT(NPT 1/4)
                Pressure gauge interfacePT(NPT 1/4)
                Environment temperature-20℃~70℃(normal temperature)
                - 20 ℃ ~ 120 ℃ (High temperature)
                - 40 ℃ ~ 70 ℃ (Low temperature)
                Minimum size of filter5 Micron
                MaterialDie casting aluminumStainless steel